Friday, August 28, 2009


As of this morning, Alexander's just fine. We went to a follow-up appt at our pediatrician just to make sure he was fine and that the croup was running it's course. I didn't tell Alexander we were going because I didn't want to upset him earlier than I had to. I even pulled up a different way so he didn't know we were at the doctor. But as soon as he knew we were there, he started to tear up.

We had the first appt of the day so that made it easy, no waiting. He was a little whiney/whimpery once in there but there was no major crying episode or vomitting so that's a plus.

Dr. D checked out Alexander (Checked his chest, back, ears, mouth, stomach) and confirmed that the croup was on its way out and that he now just had some congestion in his nose, high upper chest which is why he still had a bit of the cough. He hadn't had a fever in two days so she said just let the cold run its course and everything should be just fine.

The best part besides the 'ok' from Dr. D was that Alexander did not freak out. It might also be that it was because it was Dr. D and not Dr. M. But needless to say, it went well. He even walked out, picked out a sticker and waved bye to the ladies in the office.

Then after the appointment, it was back to school!

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