Monday, March 15, 2010

First Trip to the Dentist...

Alexander had his first trip to the dentist today and he did exceptionally well! As always, I was unsure how he'd do with any type of 'doctor' visit and even though we've been prepping about the dentist and having someone brush you're teeth, I was apprehensive.

However all my fears were unnecessary as he was a champ!

Mommy & Alexander both had our appointments to have our teeth cleaned at the same time so Daddy came with us in case Alexander freaked out. This way, Daddy could just take Alexander to school if there were any incidents. But he got into the chair, let the hygienist put on the bib & do her thing. She counted his teeth - 16 with the "2-yr" molars about to break in the back. Then she cleaned his teeth complete with the electric brusher. He was so good while she was cleaning his teeth and kept his mouth wide open.Then Dr. G came in to do a check on his teeth and I was given the thumbs-up that everything looks good. The hygientist also told me to expect all of his teeth to fall out late due to the fact that he got them all late - which according to the old-wives-tale that's a good thing. After Dr. G checked his teeth and told him he was all done, he was happy but seemed to be ready to get out of the chair. However the hygienist was ready to do the flouride rinse but because they had already told Alexander he was done, he wasn't having anything else go into his mouth. He started to whimper a bit, saying 'all done' so we didn't push it. Overall, it was a very successful first trip to the dentist!

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