Saturday, April 4, 2009

2 Year Official PhotoShoot

Today, Mommy & Mimi took Alexander to get his official 2-Year pictures taken. We were not positive as to how he would be but he was in a good mood, so we were hopeful. We were under the impression that it was going to be 50/50.

While we waited, Alexander & Mimi walked around the store, where Alexander was extremely well behaved. They rode the little Ernie & Bert firetruck and he held her hand when they were walking.
When it was our turn, Alexander was a bit clingy at first but he warmed up to the girl VERY quickly. He was giving her high-fives, blowing kisses, and asking her to blow kisses to Monkey. Because I figured that he'd participate more if Monkey was there, Monkey got to be in some pictures.
At one point, the photographer was trying to switch the chair for the bench and get Alexander to sit sideways on the bench. She slide the bench over to the other direction and asked him to sit back down. Without a peep, he got behind the bench and moved it back to where we had it before. Guess he knows how he likes his pictures taken...Then since he was doing so well, in a great mood, and we still had some time, she took a few shots for Easter. They came out VERY cute as Alexander was all about giving the bunny loving. Overall, an extremely successful visit!

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