Sunday, April 5, 2009

Doctor Appointment: Details...

This morning we had Alexander's 2-year check up. It didn't go that well. Alexander was upset, in the car, on the way to the appt, so even though he was calm by the time we got there as soon as he saw Dr. M he started to cry & grab on to me with a deathgrip.

It was our last group visit and unfortunately it was only Alexander and Lucas. Drew didn't make it and Kate dropped out before our last group visit. Lucas is very cute and has gotten pretty tall. Despite Lucas' height & sleeping habits, it appeared that Alexander & Lucas were pretty much on par with each other with eating, language, playing, etc.

However, Alexander & Lucas did not get a chance to play together as Alexander clung on to me, crying, the whole time. I had to stand and rock him otherwise he would go into fits. At one point, he calmed down and just snuggled up with me. And he was fine if Lee (Dr. M's wife) would speak or touch his foot, but if Dr. M tried to come near me, Alexander freaked.

It was time for Alexander to be weighed/measured and I thought it might go okay as Alexander had been calm for a bit. Nope! He struggled every time Dr. M touched him to listen to his breathing or look at his ears. We tried to get his height but he kept squirming, and trying to get an "accurate" weight was darn-near impossible. So we basically have estimates...which means the trying to figure out the height when the child is 2 may not necessarily be accurate in Alexander's case.

Once Dr. M was done, I put Alexander's shoes back on and it was as if Dr. M vanished (although he was still very much in the same room)!! Alexander was all smiles, talking to Lucas and Lee. He was telling me to put my coat on, and he was getting the bag off the couch ready to go. He waved, said bye, blew kisses. Everyone was in amazement at this "new" persona considering that he was so upset for 45 minutes! He even gave Dr. M a high-five! Who knows...

Here are the approximate details (reminder: approximate not actual)
Height: 33 1/2 inches
Weight: 26 lbs

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