Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Edition: 2009

This year, Christmas season was a busy one for our family!

Christmas Eve
On Christmas Eve, Alexander went to school for 3/4 of the day (we kept him so he could get a nap in as it was going to be a long night). After school, we went to St. Marks for Christmas Eve Mass where Alexander was very well behaved. I brought a couple of books to distract him but in all honesty I didn't really need them because he did very well. After mass, we went to look at the Nativity set in front of church which Alexander found to be very cool - I think he was impressed by the size of the lambs.

After mass, we went to our annual stop at the restaurant to meet with Mimi & Papi as we killed some time before it was time to go to Dennis & Mary's for their Christmas Eve gathering. At least this time there were two other little girls there so he wasn't the only person under the age of 21. Actually this year, the restaurant had more people in there than in years passed, we were a bit surprised. We sat in the corner so Alexander was free to run around without bothering anyone. Then it was time to head over to Dennis' house.

At Dennis', Alexander hung out with the kids playing cars. It was a low-key night but nice to be with family. We left Dennis' around 10:15pm - a lot later than expected and shocked that Alexander was still up and in a decent mood. But he did fall alseep in the car ride home.

Christmas Day
After opening presents from Santa, Mimi & Papi, and Auntie came over to celebrate Christmas. We opened more presents which Alexander was a bit more excited about opening gifts and started to get into it. Auntie and Mimi & Papi gave Alexander a train table as well as some Thomas & Friends pieces that go with the train table...Alexander was quite excited because the station talks. After nap & dinner, Alexander played with his presents before it was time for Mimi & Papi had to head home.

Day-after Christmas
Grandma & Pop-pop came over in the morning to spend some time with Alexander for Christmas since they were up visiting Matt & Laura for Christmas Day. Alexander got excited to show Grandma his train table and his vacuum. Alexander opened his presents from Grandma & Pop-pop and he got some very cool, big trucks! One of the dump trucks had such a big dumper that we could probably put Alexander in the back! He also got a book & some art supplies - some very nice Christmas presents!

After our visit with Grandma & Pop-pop, we headed to uncle Billy's for the Spaulding Family Christmas. Unfortunately, Alexander fell asleep in the car 15 mins before we got to Billy's so his nap was *very* short. However, once he got inside and started playing with all the kids, and then the excitement of presents & dinner, he was pretty good for most of the day. There was only one small little meltdown but we were able to difuse it pretty quickly. Alexander got some cute presents but the one that kept his attention most was a little train set that he & Chris played together for a good chunk of time.

Spending time with family, playing with the kids, opening fun presents helped make for a fun & exciting Christmas!

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