Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Potty Time...

Tonight, right after tubby time, Alexander said he wanted to use the big toilet. So he gets out his stool & up he goes.

This kid cracks me up because he's sitting up on the toilet and says "okay big pee c'mon!" He realizes I find it funny so he keeps saying it and cracking us both up now. Then he stops talking and says "big poo coming now". I wasn't sure if he was sure or not, but sure enough, here comes poo. (don't know why but at first this kind of grossed me out even though I have no issue changing messy diapers, but I got over it because I was happy for him)

He was very proud of himself that he went poo in the toilet! And because he went in the toilet, he got to put stickers on his Potty Chart which he's starting to get a bit more than before.

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