Thursday, April 22, 2010

Monthly Update...

Monthly Update - April 2010

A lot of things are the same from last month in regards to eating, sleeping, favorites, etc. However here are two updates for this Month's Update that is a bit different.

  1. Temper tantrums are in full swing - complete with screaming, yelling, grunting & throwing things! There is no rhyme or reason why they happen and most times they happen with or at Mommy. One night driving home, his tantrum was so bad that he got mad at Mommy for looking at him and proceeded to scream, hit his chair, and then take off his shoe and throw it at me. Needless to say it was not one of his better moments and he spent the rest of the car ride with no music or no talking. He was not a happy camper, however as soon as he got home he was back to being the cute, happy little kid.
    Where's my nice, well-behaved little boy? Has anyone seen him?

  2. One of his lower-back molars has broken through...maybe that's what's a causing factor in his recent fevers as well as a contributing factor in point #1

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