Friday, April 16, 2010

Sick Time...

This afternoon I got a call that Alexander got sick during naptime. He was fine in the morning and right before nap. However he woke up an hour into his nap and got sick all over EVERYTHING. His nap sheets/blanket, sneakers, jeans, sock however he missed most of his shirt. How he managed that I don't know.

He had a peanut butter & jelly sandwich for lunch so the only thing I can think of was maybe the banana didn't sit well (that's what I cleaned up a lot). There was no sign of fever and his mood was upbeat & happy when I got there at school.

In fact, he said he was ready to go home with his sick belly and rest. We went home, laid down together on the couch and just relaxed. But he was fine - there we no other signs that he had gotten sick. And he hasn't gotten sick again.


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