Sunday, April 18, 2010

Quotes, Quotes & More Quotes...

It appears that "Quote of the Week" may very well be a consistent topic here on the blog as we had a few funny one-liners this week!

  1. "What's that say, Mommy?" "Hallmark" "oooooh, just like my MASH Show" - At Stop & Shop, Mommy was buying a card and on the back was the Hallmark logo and he pointed it out and then said it was the same as MASH (the tv show MASH runs on the Hallmark channel - yet he hasn't watched MASH in over 6 months!)
  2. "I live on the Mass Pike" - when asked what street he lived on (we're practicing telling him his address) and this one was so funny that he had us laughing for few minutes as we didn't expect that
  3. "Elmo pooped out Mimi something bad" - when talking how Mimi was going to home to rest after the Sesame Street show because she was pooped (aka - tired)
  4. "Daddy threw out all of my belly ache too" - Daddy didn't feel too well so Alexander thought he was sick for the both of them

1 comment:

Chris said...

Those are some fun ones. I have to say though, that saying the street that you actually live on is quite the mouthful! Saying he lives on the Mass Pike is certainly easier.