Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Five Months Old!

Alexander is Five Months Old today! He's growing into such a wonderful little boy. Every day I am thankful for how lucky we are to have him in our lives and anticipate all the new things he'll do & experience.

*Rolls front to back and this week has started to roll back to front without any issue
*LOVES (Loves loves) to stand up. He would much rather stand than sit or lie down
*Not sitting up by himself yet, needs to be propped up or in his boppy chair which he's trying to get out of
*He does really well with tummy time and can get his head & neck pretty high up there, he can even look behind himself when on his tummy
*He is incredibly strong - can pull himself up by holding onto someone's fingers and can hold himself up on his legs for a long period of time
*Loves to eat his feet and any plastic item he can get in his mouth
*Can take out & put back in his pacifier
*Babbles, chats, coos, and laughs often
*May be starting to teeth as he likes to chew and bite down on things rather than suck on them
*He can recognize mine & Dan's voice and find us in a room

*He's starting to feel like a big boy - his thighs are a bit bigger than when he was born
*His eyes are hazel with a small hint of blue
*His hair is brown - most days it's dark where occassionally it's a lighter shade and it doesn't matter of the lighting
*Doesn't have a ton of hair but also has a bald patch of hair missing in the back where he lies down
*He's becoming ticklish

*Such a happy baby, alert and always looking to see what's going on
*Hardly ever cries just to cry
*He'll cry when he's hungry, bored or tired, rarely cries if his diaper is dirty
*Loves to laugh and smile - Daddy can really make him belly laugh
*His belly laughs are becoming more frequent

*He's wearing pretty much 3-6 months right now
*Also wears 3 months, especially pants & onesies
*Wearing size 2 swaddler diapers
*Still has yet to duplicate an outfit to school
*Laid out the next 12 outfits for school with no duplication

*Eats anywhere between 22-30 oz of formula a day
*Takes 6 0z per bottle while at school with a 4 0z bottle for an afternoon snack
*Working on incorporating cereal & solids
*Tried rice cereal but that appears to make him spit up, trying oatmeal cereal tomorrow
*Have had bananas & sweet potatoes and it depends on the day if he'll eat them. Some days he can't get enough while others he fusses and turns his head...obviously he's not 100% ready for those
*Puts his hand over his eyes and rubs his hair while eating

*Bedtime is between 7-7:30pm every night. Some nights he doesn't make it til 7p and some nights he can go to 7:45pm
*He, usually, is good about sleeping through the majority of the night
*His normal morning wake up time varies between 4-5:30am
*Last week he was waking up @ 3am and wouldn't go back to sleep - thankfully that didn't last too long
*The past 5 mornings, he's woken up @ 5am but will chat away in his crib until we get him and then he just smiles at us
*He'll take 2-4 naps at school throughout the day, some as short as 30 minutes and others as long as 2 1/2 hours. It always varies...
*Moves all around in his crib and usually in a crawling motion - if only he knew that he knows how to do that, he'd be so happy because he gets upset on his tummy that he can't crawl

*Entered in the Great American Photo Contest for the $25,000 Savings Bond - please go search for "Alexander" in MA and vote for his pictures!!! I've submitted 5 different ones. I believe you can vote once a day per picture. I don't know if you have to sign up, but I did find that clicking Vote is annoying because it gives you advertisements and it's hard to find the "no thank you" link but it's up at the top.


Anonymous said...

Happy 5 Month Birthday !!

Love Grammie

Unknown said...

Happy 5 months you cutie tootie!!!!
~ Aunty Moira