Sunday, August 19, 2007

Week Twenty One: Pictures

Week Twenty One Pictures - Monday, August 13th, 2007 - Sunday, August 19th, 2007

Chillin' on the couch before school
Trying out the spoon on his own, for the first time

YUMM - He's loving the spoon!
Another satisfied customer - and the bib to prove it

However, he wasn't liking the food so much here...
Hangin' out in his hawaiian shirt before school - don't worry, he's on the bed but I am not far away at all ... and there are pillows around the edge
He was such a happy little guy playing around on his exersaucer... he was so content and laughing up a storm
He's becoming such a ham in front of the camera - and I'll take full blame

I couldn't resist a shot of his piggies...
Here is his lounging on a Sunday afternoon...

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