Saturday, December 22, 2007

9 Months...

Where did the time go...

-He's great at sitting by himself and getting himself around the room whether on his bum or scooting around on his belly
-He's just now starting to get up on all fours
-He still does not crawl but when on his belly he will bounce up & down as if he thinks that will make him move
-When on his belly push himself backwards or around in a circle
-Loves standing and pulling himself to a standing position when holding onto someone's hands
-Loves to jump! He jumps in his jumperoo and his exersaucer
-Says Da Da and when you ask him where is Da Da he looks around to find Dan.
-Also knows the question "Where's Grover?" Grover seems to be his favorite toy (yay Grover)
-He nods yes and seems to understand the questions you ask him
-Still holding his own bottle, however he likes to pull down on it rather than hold it up
-Drinks out of a sippy cup when sitting in his eating chair
-Still no teeth yet but loves to chew on anything
-I bough him a new binky (his old one was nasty) and he seems to like this one alot more, so I have to make a conscious decision to take it out of his mouth when he's sitting there playing so he doesn't feel he needs it all the time
-Great motorskills (Loves to bat things around that are in front or above him)
-Sleeps on his back, stomach & side - depends on how he rolls/moves
-Still wheezes but the doctor doesn't know from what or why
-Still plays with my hair when eating
-Cuddles after he eats or when he's calming down
-Loves bathtime

His sleeping schedule has barely changed...
-Typical wake up time is 5a, but there are some mornings where he'll sleep til 4a or 6a
-He sleeps in his crib and occasionally, in the mornings, I'll bring him in and lie down with us as we're waking up
-At school, he will take about 2 naps, usually one long nap (anywhere from 1-3 hours)
-However lately he'll nap well at home and even taking a 3rd nap
-He's cut out the 3rd nap for he most part at school
-Bedtime is around 7p and most nights goes down without a problem.
-Every now & then will have a crying fit in his sleep but will sleep through it. We usually have to wake him in order to calm him down. But he's been good about going back down after some rocking & cuddling.

-Wearing a variety of sizes. He can still wear 3-6 months, 6 months and the some 6-9 month onesie
-Mainly Size 6 Months but can still get away with 3-6 Months pants depending on the length
-6 Months pants are still too big in the waist but 3/6 Months are too short.
-6 Month pjs are just now starting to get snug, time to get 9 month
-Still has yet to duplicate an outfit to school but we're starting to mix & match to get the most out of his clothes
-Diapers: Size 2/3 Swaddlers

Feeding: (You'll notice this is fairly constant from last month...)
-5-6 bottles a day (Typically 24 oz - 32 oz per day)
-Morning bottle before school (he'll eat between 2-4 oz and then will push it away)
-3 bottles at school (6 oz) and a small 4 oz bottle for late afternoon
-Last bottle (4-6 oz varies at what he wants to eat) at bedtime, around 7p
-Solids - he'll have two-three solids a day:
-- He'll have oatmeal with applesauce for breakfast at school
-- Likes: Carrots, Applesauce, Squash, Prunes, Dutch Apple, Apple Blueberry, Pears, Peaches
-- Dislikes: Garden Vegetable Medley
-We'll give him water or juice in a sippy cup and he definitely has the hang of the cup to the mouth, he just has to lift it higher to get more
-We've tried Gerber puffs and he doesn't really seem to be that interested. He usually won't put them in his mouth, I typically put it near his mouth. He did do it once but didn't seem to like it.

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