Monday, December 31, 2007

Countdown to 2008...


Here are a couple pictures of our New Years Eve. Dan & I had a quiet evening at home (chinese food & Harry Potter DVD). At one point, I was even tempted to go to bed before midnight (I was tired if you couldn't tell from the pictures) but I decided to stay up.

Then Alexander gave me another reason to stay up. The little guy woke up around 11:40pm, WIDE AWAKE. He obviously wanted to be a part of the celebration and not miss anything. He must know when big things are happening because he did the same thing for the last inning of the World Series and watched the Red Sox win with me.

I brought him downstairs when it was clear he wasn't going back down easily. He stayed up for a bit and then we went upstairs around 12:30am and finally fell asleep around 1am.

Hope everyone had a nice New Years Eve and that 2008 brings you health & happiness.
(Good God - I look exhausted!!)

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