Monday, December 17, 2007

Week Thirty Eight At A Glance...

A Look Back: Week Thirty Eight (Monday, December 10th - Sunday, December 17th)

  • So a brief announcement regarding Alexander's wardrobe...although Alexander still has enough clothes to not duplicate an outfit to school, I've decided that I would get the most use out of the clothes he has that still fits. With that said, he did wear things to school that he's worn before however I put a twist on them. I mixed things up so at least the entire ensemble was something new which he had not yet worn.
  • Usual wake up time is still 5a-5:30a, sometimes he'll lie down with me and snuggle til 6a, other times he's up for the day.
  • Bedtime is around 7:30pm
  • In the beginning of the week, he wasn't sure what to make of the tree. He would sit him close to it and have him touch it and he would turn his head away. However, by the end of the week he was much more comfortable with it and would bat at it and the ornaments
  • He had a good week at school... he took decent naps, he fed well, and we even started giving him oatmeal with applesauce at school and not just at home. Miss Linda said he loves it and can't get enough.
  • Spent a lot of time in the older infants room this week as he is going to transition in there come January. Mommy isn't ready and I don't think Miss Linda is either. I'm going to miss Miss Linda.
  • He is a nodding machine...he will nod yes when you ask him questions. I'm trying not to be naive but I think he understands me. He nods yes when I ask him if he wants to eat, if he wants to play, does he want the ball, etc. He doesn't nod to everything which is why I think he understands
  • Spends his day clapping, scooting backwards & laughing
  • Still no teeth or crawling
  • He did however throw up on Friday afternoon at school... but we think it was the blueberries he ate and then being in the exersaucer jumping around because he hasn't gotten sick at all this weekend
  • The runny nose made yet another appearance this week
  • Mailed out the Christmas Cards (I'll post the card in a separate post)
  • Alexander's first snow storm happened on Thursday
  • School closed early on Thursday because of the storm - thankfully Mommy & Alexander left when they did because we JUST missed horrible road conditions. Unfortunately, Daddy did not and it took him 4 hours to get home. It was HORRIBLE! Did I mention it was bad??
  • Spent half the day on Saturday with Daddy so Mommy could go to lunch with Chris and go Christmas shopping
  • Then spent the whole day with Mommy on Sunday so that Daddy could go to the Pats game (in the snowy, rainy weather)... but the Pats beat the Jets! Yah!
  • On Sunday, he got up on all fours and was rocking back & forth. At one point he would move his left hand forward, not know what to do, and move it back. He did this a few times, but never ended up going anywhere except back on his belly.
  • Alexander napped extremely well on Sunday - 3 separate naps all over an hour each. I was able to clean the bathroom, do some laundry, get his school packed for the week, and start wrapping presents.

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