Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Photo Time...

Here are a couple of photos from this week. Can you believe he'll be Nine Weeks old tomorrow?? EEEKKK.

Here is he on Monday. We had just finished watching Sesame Street and were about to get dressed and he was smiling up a storm and making lots of goofy faces.

Here he is on Tuesday - his Two Month "birthday"! I figured a tie was in order for such a special occassion. This one has a pink stripe as the other one he wore had a blue one - real babies wear pink. This was taken in the afternoon right before his fussy-time.

And this was taken today. I was trying to recreate the shot of him in his wagon but was having a hard time because I didn't want him to fall over. So I opted for a close up here.

My goodness he's so cute!

1 comment:

Chris said...

Aw, love the pics!