Friday, May 25, 2007

What a way to start the day...

This picture says it all!
Last night, Alexander had a "moment". It lasted about 5-7 minutes and it was the worst crying you would ever want to hear a baby do. It was HORRIBLE. We had no idea what was wrong. He didn't have a temperature. He wouldn't nurse. His diaper was clean. His body seemed to not be in pain to the touch. We had NO IDEA. It was blood-curdlingly loud. If the crying continued the way it was going, he was going to have his first emergency room trip. The poor little guy just wouldn't calm down. But finally, after a bit of rocking, he calmed down and Dan took him for a drive which thankfully put him to sleep.
The poor kid was utterly exhausted. He had slept for maybe 30 minutes during the day and didn't have a solid night of sleep the night before. He did sleep a bit better last night and somehow he's been sleeping VERY well today. I figure if something was really wrong, the crying wouldn't have stopped and he would not have been calm & low-key today.
I attribute today's sleeping to the fact that my mother & Alyson were here and they sprinkled fairy godmother dust on him. In fact, he's sleeping right now. Let's see how long it lasts...

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