Thursday, May 31, 2007

Two Month Check-up

This morning we had Alexander's Two-Month Check-up with Dr. M. It wasn't your average check-up as we were chosen to be part of a group session.

Group session with Dr. M and his wife, Lee is something they've been doing now for 5 years. They gather a group of parents whose babies were all born within a very close span of each other and have them all attend their check-ups together. It's a way for parents to not feel so alone and realize that other babies, their age, are going through the same things. It's also a way to find new information and possible new ways to do things.

At first, Dan & I were a bit hesitant about a group session. But we said that we would try out the first one and see how it goes. If it's not for us, then we'll just go back to individual sessions with Dr. M.

Today was the first one. There were 5 babies - the oldest was born on March 16th, and the youngest was born on Dan's birthday (27th). Out of the 5, only one was a girl and she happened to be the biggest baby at birth (11 POUNDS!!). Alexander, not surprisingly, was the smallest at birth and today.

We talked about sleeping habits, feedings, health concerns, developement, etc. All in all I would say it was a very good session and informative. There was one baby there who seemed to be very similar to Alexander's sleep schedule which is almost non-existant. We did know we weren't the only ones but it's good to hear it from someone going through it right now.

At first, Dr. M was concerned about Alexander's feeding schedule only in the sense that he could nurse every hour. He was wondered if he wasn't getting enough breastmilk even though we were supplementing with formula twice a day. He said that we would go into a trial run depending on what his weight was today. However, once he weighed him, all concerns were washed away! Our little Alexander is growing leaps & bounds!

He is now 9 lbs 5 oz and 22 1/2" long. He grew two inches and gained 2 lbs 2 oz since his visit last month. Dr. M & his wife were VERY pleased at his progress.

Then it was time for shots. The worst part of the day. This is the moment that I thought Dan would have a hard time with. I never imagined that I'd have a hard time with it. When the first baby got his shots and started to cry, my eyes welled up and I had to stop myself from crying. And it wasn't even my baby!! Alexander was fourth to go so I kept welling up with each baby, expecting to burst into tears during Alexander's turn. Alexander was such a good boy. He was smiling at Dr. M right before and he let out a huge cry during the first two shots. The third shot gave a much bigger cry. Thankfully, I did not cry. He handed Alexander back to me and not soon after, Alexander stopped crying.

The old saying is true "this hurts me more than it hurts you". Although he cried at the pain for a minute or two, I was a mess for a good five minutes before and five minutes after.

We gave him a bottle to help calm him down and he started to fall asleep. Dr. M said that shots make babies sleepy so hopefully Alexander will be able to get some much needed sleep this afternoon.

Two month check-up is complete and Alexander passed with flying colors! Mom, on the other hand, not so much. I'll have to prepare myself for the Four Month Check-up.

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