Thursday, July 5, 2007

Fifteen Weeks

I know I probably say this each week, but time flies! I can't believe our little guy turned Fifteen Weeks old today.

It's amazing how fast he's growing yet there are moments where I catch myself saying "Oh I can't wait until..." I need to stop looking forward and continue to enjoy the little moments each day now.
-He does very well with reaching for toys around him now.
-He can grasp his clippy toys & his binky
-He still loves the color red, especially his Chicita monkey
-He loves to watch Mommy blow dry her hair and then he laughs when we put lotion on my arms & hands
-He loves the water and loves to splash
-He loves bouncing up & down (that makes him laugh)
-He can hold up his head very well when on his tummy and getting used to tummy-time
-He can scoot forward on the floor by pushing off on my hands
-He holds his head up when sitting up for long periods of time but not quite ready to sit up by himself
-He has very strong legs and can hold himself up in a standing position while someone holds him for a bit and then he collapses down and tries to stand back up

-He goes down very easy for bed and goes down in his crib.
-He may wake up once (around 1 or 2am) but will go back to sleep in his crib
-His internal alarm clock is around 4:30/5am
-At school, He usually takes 2/3 naps during the day with one of those being a solid 2-3 hours
-At home, he may nap once or twice and they usually last 45 mins

-Has the coolest, cutest clothes around
-He's pretty much in 3 months now. NB is too small yet 3/6 is still a bit big, especially pants.
-He could wear NB pants for the waist but then they would be too short.
-He has Auntie Alyson's problem where sleeves are too short
-We still feed him in the morning. Good thing, I know. I'll nurse him when he wakes up and depending on what time I nursed, I may give him a bottle before we leave the house for school
-He will have 3 5-oz bottles at school and for his 4th bottle it varies between the 5-oz bottle or the 3-oz small one depending on his mood
-He'll nurse at bedtime and depending on how tired he is or when he had his last bottle at school, I'll give him another which he rarely eats more than 3-oz
-He rarely wakes up at night for a feeding, but when he does it's around 2am and I nurse him and put him back in his crib
-Still not sure what color his eyes will be because they tend to go back & forth between hazel, blue, or gray
-Smallest baby at school and he's not even the youngest
-Got to wear American Flag shorts just like Daddy
-Got his first cold, complete with snot
-I'm pumping at work and I absolutely hate it. It's not easy to get relaxed, nor is it easy to block off the time, but I've made sure to do it every day.

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