Sunday, July 22, 2007

Four Months...

Four Month Update

-He reaches out for objects and can get a really good grasp on things
-Starting to babble & coo alot more as if he's trying to talk to you
-Still likes the color red
-He can take his binky out of his mouth with his hand and has started to learn how to put it back in
-He smiles & laughs all the time
-He loves the water and swims like a froggy, loves splashing
-Loves playing in his exersaucer
-He loves bouncing up & down (that makes him laugh)
-He's getting much better with tummy-time and doesn't mind it as much
-He can scoot forward on the floor by pushing off on my hands
-He grunts when he's bored and he pushes with his legs when he doesn't like something
-He holds his head up when sitting up for long periods of time but not quite ready to sit up by himself
-He has very strong legs and can hold himself up in a standing position while someone holds him for a bit and then he collapses down and tries to stand back up

-He's still sleeping very well in his crib. I tried to get his bedtime @ 8p but due to his schedule during the day, it always ends up around 7p. Most nights, he's down @ 7:30p and will sleep til 4:30-5a.
-He has a coughing episode due to his cold around 10:30-11pm, every night but will sleep his way through it
-Rarely wakes up at night for a feeding
-During the day he will take 2-3 naps, usually one long nap (2-3 hours).

-Wearing 0-3 fit well and 3 Months are okay, it depends on the style
-Wore a few 3-6 pieces but most of them are too big on him
-Has yet to duplicate an outfit to daycare (crazy, I know)
-Still wearing Size 1 diapers, but I feel he'll outgrow those very shortly

-Morning feeding depends on when he wakes. I'll either nurse him when he wakes up and give him a small bottle before we leave the house. Or if he wakes up late enough, I will nurse him and then tell daycare to feed him shortly
-At daycare, he'll take 4 5 oz bottles throughout the day
-At bedtime, it varies on his level of exhaustion. He'll nurse and then if he's still awake we'll give him a bottle which he never finishes.
-He rarely wakes up at night for a feeding, it's starting to dwindle considerably.

-His eyes are still blue but sometimes look a bit gray/hazel
-Weighs 11 lbs 13 oz as of July 9th
-He's starting to find his voice, he now babbles frequently throughout the day
-He knows how to pinch
-He loves to laugh & bounce
-He can go from crying to laughing in a nanosecond

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