Monday, July 9, 2007

Last night Alexander continued to be congested, so much so that he kept coughing and waking himself up. He would cough pretty hard, cry, wake himself up, go back to sleep...only to repeat that 30 minutes later. He was coughing hard and wasn't getting anything up, and he seemed so frustrated. At one point, when he was coughing I picked him up and rocked him only to find that the coughing would subside when he was upright. It doesn't take a genius to know that being upright would help, but when you're trying to help the little guy to sleep, you don't think to do that.

He was congested thru the night and it was starting to creep into his chest, which was a bit worrisome but nothing urgent. This morning, I thought that I'd see how he was sounding before making any decisions. He kept coughing and it was evident that he was still rather congested in the nose. Decision made. I was calling in sick to work to take Alexander to the doctor to err on the side of caution.

Dr. M had an opening at 12:40pm so Alexander was able to take his morning nap. He took a small one at 9a, and then after a bottle he went down at 10am. Unfortunately, I had to wake him up to leave for the doctor because he was still sleeping.

He was well behaved at the doctor's. However he did fuss & cry a little when Dr. M listened to his chest and back. He also didn't like to have him looking in his ears. I explained to Dr. M his symptoms (the coughing, the congestion, the Squirt & suck, and his chest) and after he examined him he said that it's just a minor cold which will pass. He said that we're doing the correct things with the saline, suction, and propping the mattress up. He said although his chest has a little congestion, it's truly nothing to worry about. I asked if having AC on at daycare all day was a concern or something that would prolong the congestion and he told me absolutely not. He also said that although he's not a big supporter of sleeping in a car seat, it wouldn't be a bad idea if he'll stay in it to help keep him upright. Just to make sure he's buckled in... as if I wouldn't buckle him in.

He also weighed him to make sure he wasn't loosing weight from the cold. Alexander is now a whopping 11 lbs 13 oz. He gained a pound and 10 oz in just 2 days shy of a month. Dr. M is very happy with his weight gain - he's right on track from his birth weight and not gaining too much or too little.

So all in all he's fine he just has a crappy cold that is more of a frustration than anything else.

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