Sunday, March 22, 2009

2 Years...

2 Years!


He's becoming very independent and wants to do things on his own, for example: make sandwiches, vacuum, plug in the vacuum to outlets (which we fight him on).
He's getting better on the stairs, but still not 100% able to do them on his own
Has 6 teeth up top and 4 on the bottom (all 4 back teeth are finally in)
Learning colors

Recent Words
Blue, green, red, yellow (they're not perfect, but you know what he means)
Oh dear, Oh my
Bee (Ms. Bree)
Bella (with lots of tongue)
lolololo (water - why this, we don't know)

Likes: his Monkey, Elmo, Mickey Mouse, trucks, Thomas the Train & Sir Topham Hat, balls, bubbles, coloring, finger painting, trains, animals & animal noises, water, swimming, singing, buses, golfing, baseball & basketball on tv
Dislikes: having Mommy touch him/things when he's upset, being forced to do something before he's ready

18-24 Months
Varies - some 18 months clothes still fit fine, others are too short. Where 18-24 months fit well and some 24 Months/2T are starting to fit where others are still too big. But majority of pants are too big in the waist
Shoe Size 5

Wakes anywhere between 5-6am
Naps 2 hours every day (1-3p @ school, varies @ home)
Bedtime starts @ 7pm, typically in bed @ 7:40ish after reading, etc

Breakfast varies with waffles, pancakes, cereal bar - then at school he'll have a banana and something else depending on what he already had at home. On the weekends, he'll eat eggs & bananas
Lunch is yogurt, applesauce & hotdog or grilled cheese (and on the days Daddy drops him off - nuggets)
Dinner varies all on his mood - mac & cheese, PB & J, nuggets, broccoli or other

He is pretty picky although we certainly try to offer him what's there. He doesn't eat a lot of sugar or juice. His favorite food right now is probably bananas

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