Saturday, March 14, 2009

Snip Snip...

I took Alexander to get his haircut today, fully expecting a production. However, I was pleasantly surprised. He waited patiently while kids in front of us got their hair cut and he didn't once scream or fuss.
Joann called us over and he walked right over and let me put him in the chair. I explained to her that in the past, Alexander has screamed, fussed, and clawed but she was nice and said she gets that a lot. However, Alexander kept surprising me. He let me put him in the chair, he let Joann buckle him in and he even let her put the cape over him. She sprayed the comb and then his hair and he didn't once flinch! He sat there like a big boy without any incidents... The whole time I was anticipating a freak out, but it never came. He was so well behaved and happy. We played with bubbles where Mommy would blow some and then Alexander would blow some and that kept him content the entire time!

Maybe we've reached that moment where he's finally okay with getting his hair cut!

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