Wednesday, April 4, 2007

A better day...

It's amazing what sleep can do!

Last night, Alexander slept from midnight until he started fussing around 7am. THIS MORNING! He never once fussed during the night to be changed or fed. He must have truly been tuckered out. This also allowed Dan & I to get some quality Zzzzz's. Of course I would wake up occasionally to check on him, but because he was so content I was able to go back to sleep.

And when he woke this morning he was so alert and rested. He didn't even squawk when Daddy changed his diaper (being changed his least favorite thing in the world).

He had some breakfast and now he's napping again. It's rather peaceful here right now. I've cleaned up a bit, and I'm going to start laundry. Ahhh, I feel a bit normal right now. Dan's out being the best husband of the year because he's taking my car to get the windshield replaced. A rock hit it the Wednesday before our c-section.

I'll try to add a couple pics a bit later on, I'm going to grab some breakfast.


Tracy said...

My goodness he is so tiny! Glad to hear you got some sleep. Don't worry, things will fall into place. Somehow, one day it just dawns on you that everything is happening as it should. You adjust, he adjust, it is just works.

as always, enjoy every moment, eventhe crazy ones!!!

Vanessa B. said...

Woo Hoo! Love that sleep! So glad. (: