Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Day 12...

Hello World...

We're still here, I promise, just trying to adjust to life as parents. This is the 2nd best thing I've ever done in my life (First was marrying Dan) and I knew it wouldn't be easy, but man, you never realize how much of a challenge it will be trying to get the new life you've brought into this world fully adjusted. I guess we never really become adjusted anyway.

I feel bad typing this because things are not at all horrible. In fact, sometimes I look at our little boy and I think about just how lucky we are. He's healthy - he eats, sleeps & poops. He just does it when he wants to rather when we'd like him to.

We're still trying to figure out this whole schedule thing. When do we feed him, how much, etc? How can we put him down to sleep at night and have him go right to sleep? Because he'll do just that during the day.

Sunday was a rough day (I didn't even turn on the computer). I've taken a picture of him everyday except Sunday. Our schedule was thrown completely off and he was very fussy all day. However, we did manage to get a good 4 1/2 hours of sleep from him while in the bassinet that night so we were very grateful for that!

This morning was a bit rough, but for Mommy & Daddy not for Alexander. I think the fact that the weather has been so crappy and we can't go for a walk along with the fact that I constantly feel as though I either have to feed him or pump made us go a little stir crazy. Dan's been so incredibly fantastic that I would be lost if he went back to work this week. Not only is Dan helping to take care of Alexander, he's doing a majority of the housework, and he is taking care of me. I'm sure this is just as hard on him.

Enough venting... because we're extremely blessed and these are small little bumps in the road of parenthood. With that said - here are a couple pictures from yesterday's first 'bath' at home. He didn't necessarily love it, but he didn't hate it either.


{Amanda} said...

he's sooo cute. . and *hugs* if you need to talk/vent i'm here anytime .. trust me. . i've been there hon!

Vanessa B. said...

Ok, I have to say this - he is so incredibly beautiful and, let's be perfectly honest, not all newborns are! You gotta love the c-section baby, they have gorgeous heads (and, yes, I am so biased about that!)

Nobody can possibly explain what it is like having a newborn. And even if they try, you just don't get it until you're living it. It will get better and don't feel bad about venting and feeling a little frustrated. I yelled at all of my mommy friends after I had Spence. They all told me how wonderful and magical it would be and I was exhausted, emotional (hello postpartum hormones!), my boobs hurt and were threatening to explode and I couldn't sleep for more than 20 minutes at a time...WTF! I was not feeling magical and wonderful!

He will get on track. The hard part is getting him to figure out that day is day and night is night. Not the opposite! I read a book called "Babywise" which was a little controversial at the time and I didn't agree with all of it but it really helped me get Spence in a routine. It'll happen. Hang in there and try to enjoy it but definitely don't beat yourself up if your not feeling wonderful and magical!