Thursday, April 5, 2007

Two Weeks Old: The Name Game...

In honor of his two week birthday, we're going to play the Name Game. This isn't the same version of the game that Daddy likes to play, it's the updated version we've adapted since Alexander was born.

We've given this poor child several nicknames that I find myself at times purposely saying "Alexander" so I don't forget his name.

Each little nickname was given and I can't seem to shake any of them. Dan has only come up with two, where I have discovered 10. Eghads!

Dan's are: Buddy & dude. Dude is usually when changing his diaper and Alexander will wail as if we're cutting on a limb.*

Mine are: Big Bird, Little Bird, Little Bug, Kid, Googly Eyes, Drama Boy*, Kickie, Peanut, Pum'kin, & Mr. Flibberty Gibbet

The first four of mine are used during feedings because he looks like a bird trying to eat the worms from Mama Bird. I use 'kid' when he's latched wrong and rather than using a bad word I say kid.
Drama Boy is just that - drama. He gets this from his Mom and this side usually comes out during being changed. Kickie & Mr. Flibberty Gibbet are Daddy's side of the genes because he can't stay still. (Mr. Flibberty Gibbet is also a line from the movie Joe Vs the Volcano with Tom Hanks).

Yet another look into the world of Alexander...

1 comment:

Chris said...

Love all of the names. You do realize this screams scrapbook LO!
Flibberty Gibbet is also from the Sound of Music.