Monday, April 16, 2007

Week Four

Alexander is Three and a half weeks old... my god that went by fast!
Everything kind of feels like a blur but I wouldn't change any of it. Well, maybe I'd like more sleep but we knew going into this we wouldn't get that.

Since Wednesday, we've been fairly low key around here. That's mainly because Alexander hasn't really wanted to sleep although that's what he needed the most. Daddy set up the mirror in the car so we can see Alexander in the back seat because Mommy & Alexander took our first outing together as Mommy can drive now. We went to Target & CVS just to get out of the house and run a few errands. It was nice to get out and wasn't nearly as worrisome as I thought it would be.

Thursday, Friday & Saturday were long nights, especially Saturday. Thursday & Friday nights he woke up a few times and didn't want to finish the night off in the bassinett. Saturday night was the worst night since we've been home. He really wanted no part of sleeping. He would eat, whimper, eat, cry, poop, and eat some more. But no sleeping.
This made for a cranky Mommy. Thankfully he slept through the night last night and is sleeping well now.

I do have some updated pictures that I'll add shortly but he may be waking right now... Enjoy your day

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