Tuesday, July 22, 2008

16 Months...

16 Months...

-Gives actual kisses now when you ask and they're just the sweetest kisses
-His walking has really taken off and every now & then he'll break out into a small run
-Has 2 bottom teeth & 1 top tooth
-He takes direction very well (You can ask him to get something, find his book, go to his seat for dinner, put away his toys, and he'll do it)
-Dada & Hi are still the primary words however he is very good about saying "please". Mind you, his please is "Ahhh da" but he says it when you ask him "Alexander what do you say or what is the magic word?"
-Eating with utensils is getting better with each week, there's still a mess but he's improving
-Knows where his head, hair, nose, mouth, ears & belly are and knows the difference between his body parts or others if you ask him
-He is great with stairs
-Very good with brushing his teeth before bed and can tell if you're tried to trick him with no toothpaste
-Great with stacking blocks
-Developing an amazing arm with this throwing ability (don't know if this is a good thing or not yet)
-Loves playing in the pool/water
-Knows what & where to turn the tv on but thankfully hasn't figured out the correct flow of buttons that need to be pushed
-Waves Hi & Bye
-Flirts like crazy, he blows kisses to all women but gives men the "hand up wave"
-Loves dogs & birds - the kid can spot a bird a mile away (at least I know his eyesight is fine)
-Knows what the cow, cat & dog says...and is learning that ducks say "quack quack"
-When I tell him to get his Elmo & Patty cake book he knows which two books to get and where to bring them. He also knows the order of the books and mimics what the book says
-Knows a few of the rhymes in his books and will act them out with me as soon as we get to that page. (When This Little piggy page comes up, he will immediately put his foot up on the book but then squirm away)

-Wakes up around 5:30-6am every day
-Takes one nap in the early afternoon, usually 2 hrs
-At home on the weekends, he may take 2 naps each day depending on what is going on
-Asleep by 7:30pm each night (on average)

-For the most part, everything is a 12 Months.
-Shoes: Size 3
-Diapers: Pampers Size 3 Cruisers (Dan bought size 4 and they fit but are still a bit big)

-The biggest change is that he is no longer drinking from bottles. Once we stopped, he never looked back or asked. He drinks his milk or water from sippy cups
-Three meals a day: (typical menu for school)
--Breakfast: pancake or waffle & his sippy cup
--AM Snack: Cheerios & fruit (bananas or strawberries)
--Lunch: Grilled Cheese or Hot dog & cheese and milk in sippy cup
--PM Snack: snack bar, fruit, graham crackers, or yogurt
--Dinner: Varies (Omelets, PB Sandwich, Grilled Cheese, Hot Dog) and we're starting to do more pasta and he's liking it as long as there is no meat sauce
-- Does not like food with texture

Likes: Being outside, water, taking baths, Bubbles, going down slides, learning about the bathroom, Singing ABCs, reading books, pushing his truck, playing blocks, says Hi to the vaccum, being chased by Daddy
Dislikes: textured food

1 comment:

Tins and Treasures said...
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