Sunday, July 13, 2008

Mt. Washington...

We left Friday early afternoon for Mt. Washington. We tried to time it so that Alexander would take his nap in the car on the ride up. It didn't work out all that well as Alexander became overtired and took a bit too actually fall asleep.

We made it up there in 3 hours and didn't hit any traffic, which was nice. We checked in to our townhouse, got settled and then went to visit with friends (who all have kids around Alexander's age) before heading up to the Friday evening gathering. We shared a townhouse with a guy, PJ, from Dan's group and his wife (Sarah) & daughter, Ava (who just turned one). At the townhouse, Dan found a sled on the back porch and dragged Alexander around the backyard which Alexander found hysterical.

Friday night, we walked around the hotel/porch and just mingled. Dan was all excited to show off Alexander to anyone & everyone. He had him saying hi, waving, and blowing kisses like there was no tomorrow. At one end of the porch is where the band/DJ sets up so Alexander was quite excited to jump around, chase the disco lights on the floor and scream after other kids. Finally it was time to get Alexander & Ava home to bed as it was way past their bedtime. We were lucky that they were both still in good moods even if they were exhausted. Guess there was too much to look at and take in to have a meltdown.

The kids were in bed around 9:45pm (EEEKK), but went down well, which was good because they were up early.

Saturday morning, we woke up, played around in the townhouse and went up to the hotel for breakfast before going to Storyland. Alexander wanted no part of the food I got for him (eggs, ham, pancakes), thankfully he ate his breakfast at the townhouse. He did think it was hysterical to put both hands in the eggs and then touch everything. Joy.
Then we went to Storyland - which I'll leave for a separate post.
After naps and dinner for the kids, we got ready & headed back up to the hotel for dinner & another gathering. Alexander was a bit better with dinner than breakfast. He sat in a booster seat a lot longer than I expected but he still didn't want to eat any grown up food. After dinner, we walked around the porch and headed over to the kiddie time. The DJ was playing all sorts of kid music (Wiggles, Twinkle Twinkle, etc). Plus she had balloons so the kids loved it. They were running around, chasing each other and the balloons.

We didn't keep Alexander & Ava out nearly as late as the night before to make sure they got a better night sleep. They were both in bed before 9pm which is a huge plus since it was almost 10pm the night before.

Sunday morning, Alexander woke up @ 6am, ready to go. Since no one else was up, we played blocks & read books in the room so we didn't disturb anyone else. Daddy had a very late night so he was still trying to gather his senses. Mommy packed everything so all we had to do was empty the fridge & pack the car. After everyone was up, Alexander & Ava played together. They shared toys, took toys away from each other, sat together as we read books to them. They were really sweet together the entire weekend and was genuinely interested in one another. No major fist-a-cuffs!

We went back up to the hotel for breakfast and then took the 3 hour drive home. Daddy & Alexander were asleep 20 minutes into the drive so it was a peaceful drive with no traffic! All in all a very nice weekend and it was nice to bring Alexander up there for the first time.

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