Sunday, July 20, 2008


For those of you who know Alexander, you know he is an early riser. He's not a 12 hour a night sleeper. Never has been and I don't presume that will change anytime soon.

This weekend, he blew away all presumptions & expectations. Friday night, he went down quickly without fuss and was asleep by 7:15pm. This was even after his little bathtime bump. Saturday morning, he woke up a little before 6am which I can completely handle on the weekends. He & Daddy had their weekend morning walk & Dunkin' Donuts jaunt. Daddy must have worn him out because he was zoning out & rubbing his eyes. He took an hour & half nap in the morning.

After lunch, we filled up his pool and played outside as it has been incredibly hot here this weekend! He played in the pool, played soccer with Mommy & Daddy, and ran around the back yard looking for birds. Again, he was getting tired - heat & playing in the pool can do that to a little one. I put him down for a nap around 3:30pm just to see if he would lay down again. After a little bit of crying/playing in his crib, he fell asleep by 4pm.

Well...that was it from him! He was out for the ENTIRE night. A few times around 6pm, I was going to wake him because I wasn't sure if he was asleep for the night, but no one could bring themselves to wake him as he was out cold! We checked on him several times but he just kept right on sleeping.

He woke up a little before 5am this morning and got about 13 hours of sleep! And that didn't stop him from taking a 2 hour nap this morning! He will not, however, sleep this afternoon even though he really needs a nap...can we say cranky??

I'm still in shock - 13 hours?!

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