Thursday, July 31, 2008

Shot Part Duex...

Yesterday, Alexander got the 2nd part of his MMR shot. He was given some good ole fashioned mumps. The third one, Measles is at the end of August, and I know that one won't be a good one given his reaction yesterday.

I picked him up from school a bit earlier than usual so we could head over to the Dr's office (my work, school & Dr. M's office are all within 2 miles of each other). Once I parked the car, he did his usual, screaming w/excitement dance that he does everytime you shut the car off. We got out and he was all excited to hold Mommy's hand while walking to the door. We get in the first door, no problem. The second door had a slight invisible wall built in. Alexander would NOT cross the threshold. I would ask him to follow me, I would give his arm a little 'it's okay tug', nothing. Finally I picked him up and he was okay with that. We checked in and then went to the waiting room where he was just fine.

He played with a puzzle, read some books and just had a grand ole time. He even showed Lee (Dr. M's wife/nurse) all of his body parts.

Then it was time...

Dr. M came to retrieve us from the waiting room and Alexander froze. He could only unfreeze himself long enough to attach himself to me and not let go. We got into the room and Alexander dug himself into my hip and tried to disappear. He didn't even have to see Dr. M bring anything into the room, he already knew what was going to happen. Dr. M tried to get him to smile but Alexander wasn't having it. He grabbed onto me so tight. I squeezed him tighter just to see what he would do, and he returned the squeeze and just kept holding on for dear life. I gave him one last tight squeeze and then held his hand out of the way. He started to cry before Dr. M even did the shot, which was thankfully maybe 3 seconds long. Alexander screamed bloody murder! But as soon as Dr. M was done and had stepped away, Alexander stopped crying.

As we were leaving, he was blowing kisses to Lee as if nothing happened.

I know that when we go back for the final shot in August, he is going to hate the sight of the building. Oh my, can you imagine what he's going to think when we bring him there for his 18-Month appointment in September??? Thankfully he doesn't get any shots then, otherwise he would think we are constantly abusing him.

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