Thursday, July 17, 2008

2nd Haircut...

I took Alexander to get his haircut today as it was getting long. We went back to the same place as we went for the first one so hopefully it gets easier and easier. Per usual, he was all smiles and flirting as we walked in but the minute we walked over to the chair he clutched onto me and wouldn't let go.

We got him in the chair and before she even touched a comb he was crying as if he knew what was coming. This girl (I forgot her name), had a lot more patience than the first girl which I think made a difference. One thing that really helped him was that she didn't spray him with water but instead sprayed her comb instead. Plus, she used clippers with the guard so it actually made it quicker & safer.

The receptionist came over with a big thing of bubbles and that really helped. He calmed down enough to check out the bubbles and even tried to grab for them. I'll have to remember that for next time - bubbles! He fought the majority of the time, but it wasn't nearly has bad as the first time.

And of course as soon as I took him off the seat, he was just fine. He smiled at the girl and blew her a kiss. We went over to pay and to get his 'prize' and he was laughing up a storm as the prize came out of the machine. I then sat him on the couch to take a 'after' photo to which he had no problem posing for me.

His haircuts seem to tranform him instantly into a little boy and I think it makes him look so much older. This time was no exception, my little guy is growing up fast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He IS so ADORABLE! I'm sure you didn't think so at the time, but it was worth the effort to get such a cute "growning up" little boy!
Thank you for the pix!
Love, g'ma in NJ