Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Last Hoorah...

So we did it. No more bottles. Alexander had his last bottle last night before bed.

I decided that July 1st was the cut off point to transition from bottles. He never has been one to cling to his bottle or scream if he can't have it, so I figured this won't be that much of an issue. He transitioned very well from his day bottles to sippy cups, so we'll see how this goes.

Dad gave him his morning milk in a sippy cup rather than a bottle and he did okay with it. He was a bit fussy but that could also be his two top teeth coming in. When I asked him to sit down and drink his milk, he did so without a huge production.

Tonight will be the final moment to see just how well he does when I don't give him a bottle before bed. Last night I did explain that big boys don't use bottles anymore but they drink from cups. And when I asked him if he was ready to put away the bottle, he did nod his head yes. If he actually understood me, we'll just wait and see. But we have a bedtime schedule that we'll just tweak just a bit so he should be okay. It might be interesting at first, but he'll adapt quick.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Alexander on being such a big boy !

Love Grammie