Sunday, July 13, 2008


We headed off to Storyland with 3 other couples, 5 kids in all. Sarah & I had told the gents that we wanted to leave around 12p so we could get back in time for their naps, so we had about 2 hours to walk around. There is not a whole lot of things a child under the age of 2 can do at Storyland since most of it is geared towards the age of 4-12.

There was a small kid section so they did get some things in. They had a small slide that we had Alexander go down but he really wasn't into the slide at all. He went down once and that was it. I think he was still overwhelmed at all the different stuff to look at. In the kid section, they had a Ball Craze thing that Alexander LOVED. The whole time he was in there I kept saying "Oh Grammie isn't going to like this, but can't argue with this level of enjoyment". He just wanted to stay in there and push the balls around. At one point, Dan moved all the balls around him so just his head was popping up and he kept laughing. His laugh had strangers come over to look at what he was doing. They also had this whale thing that spurted water, and as we all know Alexander looooovesss water. We had a hard time getting him away from the whale.

He walked into Alice in Wonderland's tunnel but didn't want to go all the way through to Daddy on the other side. And around Alice's area were different animals and Alexander screamed with excitement anytime we saw animals. The three little pigs (real pigs), Billy Goat's gruff (a real goat), Mary's lamb (real sheep), and some chicken that I didn't go over to read who's chicken it was. You didn't expect me to, did you??

We came up to our first ride of the day, the Merry Go Round. Almost all of us went on the Merry Go Round with the kids. It was helpful to hold the kid, take a picture, and then swap. None of the kids cried and liked being on the horses. Then it was time to go to Cinderella's Castle and on the way they walked through a Mist Tent that Alexander found so exciting. It's a small tent that gives off mist to help cool you off. Kids love it! You don't get wet but it's just enough to cool you down.

Keep in mind, I knew this wasn't the Disney's version of Cinderella, so I was all prepared to stalk her, but alas she was a poor imitation. It was just a knock-off Cinderella's Castle with a Cinderella. I did get a great picture of Alexander & I in Cinderella's Pumpkin Coach so that's the bonus.

By the time we walked out of that area we were starting to get into the area for the bigger kids with rides, etc. Our little ones would really not have anything they could do. So we opted to use this time to head home with plenty of time to give the kids lunch & a nap.

Overall a nice time but not something he can fully appreciate for a few more years. We'll have to think of something else for him to do next year if they have it at Mt. Washington again. I hear Santa's village is fun...

For the record - all faces of kids who are not mine are blurred out as I don't have permission to post them.

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