Wednesday, July 2, 2008


The first full day without bottles was successful!

He did well – no major issues. The morning routine turned out to be fine, no major fights or complaints from Alexander.
Bedtime was okay. You could tell he was looking for something and couldn't necessarily figure out what was different. He wouldn’t cuddle immediately but I could tell he was sleepy. He was in his crib for a bit and even doing his "sleepy" noises. However, we got a ginormous thunderstorm and his teeth seemed to start to bother him at the same time. So I rocked him for a bit but he did fall asleep again all before 8p.

I would say fairly successful since there were not temper tantrums or screaming for a bottle. There's no going back now.

1 comment:

{Amanda} said...

WOO HOO!!! isn't it bittersweet though??!! i was more upset than Ellery was lol