Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Daycare: Day Three

The first full day of daycare is done & over with. Alexander did wonderful. Everyone keeps commenting how beautiful he is and what a good baby he is. Everything we already knew. However, I did tell them to watch out for his afternoon fussiness, then they'll see all sides of him.

Well, the kid knows how to make me look silly because he wasn't fussy at all this afternoon. In fact, he played with his Sesame Street people again. He even took a 3 hour nap in the morning. Are we sure this is our kid??? I may have to tattoo him to give him a 'birthmark' to make sure they're not swapping out kids. I JEST!!!

But in all seriousness, as much as I don't want to be working, I have to say that daycare is a very nice place and the people are very sweet and taking good care of Alexander. They love having him there and it's evident. Plus, he's the cutest baby there! There is one cute little girl but the other babies don't even come close to the level of Alexander's cuteness. Hell, one baby is nick-named "Virginia Ham" by her parents because she eats all the time and the huge melon of a head doesn't help.

My first day back was very weird. I walked up the stairs as if it was a brand new job at a new place that I didn't really want to work at but I said yes anyway. You would never know that I've been there for 7 years. I was so disoriented, I almost forgot how I get to my office. And when I got there, I didn't know what to do first. My team was very sweet, asking me how I was and that they were going to throw me back into the thick of things to help take my mind off things. They even got me a card & a cake to welcome me back. I got good peeps. However, everyone else would ask me how sad I was and how I probably didn't want to be there so it made it that much harder because I'd answer them truthfully.

I only cried a few times, a lot less than I thought I would. And no one saw. I also used our 'nursing' room for the first time when I went to go pump. So much for privacy because some woman just walked right in to pick up stuff she left there earlier. Oh joy. I also didn't go visit him at lunch because then I knew I would just go straight home with him. But overall, I felt miserable & empty all day even though I kept trying to think of something else.

The best part of my day was walking into daycare to pick him up. I couldn't get him out of the swing he was in fast enough. Then we headed home, had ourselves a bath for some quality swim time, and off to bed. I'm hoping since we started bedtime a bit later due to the bath, he may sleep longer. Fingers crossed.

Day Four tomorrow. I hope not to do a daycare update everyday, maybe through this week, because that will just keep reminding me that I'm working vs not being with him. My boss is out tomorrow & Friday but he was very cool & understanding. He told me that if I needed to leave early or take a 2nd lunch over the next few weeks to not even worry about it. So we'll see how it goes.

Mom, thanks for sending me the pretty flowers to help me get through the day. It was very thoughtful!

1 comment:

{Amanda} said...

i've been thinking of you!!! if you need anything just email!