Friday, June 22, 2007

Three Months!

Alexander is Three Months Old today! I can't believe how quickly it goes by. The fact that he is three months old already and started to feel like a little baby boy rather than a newborn is so exciting.

He's definitely starting to show more of his personality and how he's learning new things.
-He's starting to reach out for objects in front of him
-He is aware of colors and really seems to like red
-He can take his binky out of his mouth with his hand
-He smiles & laughs all the time and his laugh is getting stronger
-He loves the water and swims like a froggy, loves splashing
-He loves bouncing up & down (that makes him laugh)
-He doesn't necessarily love tummy-time, but he holds his head up very well
-He can scoot forward on the floor by pushing off on my hands
-He grunts when he's done with something and he wants to be entertained
-He holds his head up when sitting up for long periods of time but not quite ready to sit up by himself
-He has very strong legs and can hold himself up in a standing position while someone holds him for a bit and then he collapses down and tries to stand back up
-He's starting to sleep through the night, in his crib. He averages 8 hours a night and then at daycare will take 2-3 naps, sometimes long naps.

-He can still wear newborn clothes. 0-3 fit well and 3 Months are okay, it depends on the style
-Everyone at daycare says he's the most stylish, well-dressed baby there (which is true). I told him that his aunt spoils him with cool clothes

-I'll nurse him when he wakes up and make sure he's eaten right before we leave the house.
-At daycare, he'll take 3 5 oz bottles throughout the day and then potentially a smaller one right before I pick him up to hold him over for the drive home. At bedtime, it varies on his level of exhaustion. He'll nurse and then if he's still awake we'll give him a bottle which he never finishes. -He rarely wakes up at night for a feeding, but when he does it's around 2am and I nurse him and put him back in his crib
-His eyes are still blue but sometimes look a bit gray/hazel
-Weighs 10 lbs 3 oz as of June 11th
-He got his first shots on May 31st
-When he cries, it's very hard and loud. He definitely has lungs and knows how to use them

1 comment:

Anonymous said...