Saturday, June 30, 2007

Second week of daycare - Complete...

The second week of daycare is in the books! He did very well & the women at daycare still adore him. He took naps everyday & he was rarely fussy. I'm trying to keep to daycare schedule during the weekends and in fact, he's napping in his swing as I type. I should take advantage of this time and take a shower!
For your viewing pleasure...
Here's the lovely drool-boy before 'school' on Friday. He was playing with his toys & new froggy. I think he looks really good in bright blue.
Even with the drool - he's cute!

This was Thursday night. We did a little tummy time on our lilly pad. He's really good at holding his head up. However, he doesn't want to lie there, he much rather tries to scoot forward. Then he gets annoyed that it's not going fast enough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have I told you lately, "Thank you?" Thank you for providing us with updates on our adorable grandson. Since we haven't been able to see him in awhile, its good to see these almost daily pictures. I feel as if I'm there, watching him grow bit by bit.
Of course I share them with my office, as well as pix of the rest of our grandchildren!
Thank you, again.
Love, mil in NJ