Monday, June 11, 2007

Doctor Appointment

I called Dr. M this morning for two reasons. One I wanted to get his take on Alexander's feeding schedule and what we should be feeding him once he goes into daycare next week because I'm nursing and giving him bottles randomly throughout the day, it's hard to know how much he takes per feeding. And the second reason is that I noticed a red mark/imprint on the bottom of his foot yesterday and I didn't know what it was.

The red mark came out of nowhere. We woke up yesterday morning and all was well. Alexander was in a good mood and nursing on schedule. We took a bath in the morning and I got him dressed. He was cuddled up on me as I was sitting on the chair. I noticed he was so quiet and the little guy was tuckered out from the bath and was napping. ahhhh.

He woke up a bit later on and I noticed there was a mark on his foot. I thought that it was an imprint from my clothing or my rings because it didn't hurt him when I touched it. I looked at it about an hour later and it was still there. I figured I'd keep an eye on it and see if it goes away later on and since it wasn't hurting him I wasn't going to rush to the ER on a Sunday. (We don't do Emergency Rooms on Sundays - it's a long story) I told Dan that if it was still there in the morning, I'd call the doctor.

We woke up this morning and the first thing I did was check his foot and the mark was still there. It still didn't appear to hurt him but I still wanted to call the doctor. I spoke to Dr. M's wife (who's an RN & works with him) and we talked about his feeding, etc and she said it would be great if I could come in today because Dr M should take a look at his foot.

Dr. M has no idea what the mark is on his foot but is not that concerned about it. He wants to keep an eye on it to see if it goes down or away. We're not sure what it is, but I'm glad Dr. M saw the mark and he's not concerned. We'll just keep our eyes on it.

Then we talked about the feedings etc. Honestly, the whole thing is confusing and very overwhelming because as a Mom you want to make sure you're giving your child everything they need and there are so many options that we spoke about. One's thing for sure is that Alexander is definitely getting plenty of food right now - whether it's breastmilk or the formula because Dr. M weighed him again and he gained almost a full pound in almost 2 weeks! He's now 10 lbs 3 oz, which puts him in the 5th percentile so he's still little for his age.

I told Dr. M that I want to make sure Alexander's getting enough to eat but I don't want to overfeed him as I don't want him to be a porker. And if he's gained almost a pound in 2 weeks, the little guy needs to slow down or he won't be so little anymore.

We're going to try an experiment for the next 24 hours to see what patterns surface and then make some decisions from there

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