Thursday, May 22, 2008

14 Months...

-Really getting the hang of walking on his own and manuevering around the kitchen by walking along the cabinets
-He gives hugs & kisses when you ask for them
-He puts his head down to rest
-He has his first tooth and a 2nd one coming in
-Dada is still the primary word but the babbling is becoming more involved with different tones & inflections
-Has said: turtle, no, up, all done, mama, nana, moo, car, & most recently he said his own name - however none of this is consistent
-Starting to get the hang of feeding himself with a fork or spoon
-Knows where his head, ears & mouth are...still having a location issue on the nose

Sleeping: (still the same)
-Wakes up around 5:30-6am every day
-Most days he takes two naps (morning/afternoon)
-Bedtime is 7p and he is usually asleep by 7:30pm
-Recently he's been teething so he's been waking up during the night

-This varies based on the brand/item
-6-9 Months, 9 Months or 12 Months.
-Shirts & sweaters/sweatshirts can still be 6-9 Months, but 9 or 12 Months also works
-Pants are 9 or 12 months for length
-PJs are 9 months but starting to outgrow into 12 months
-Diapers: Pampers Size 3 Cruisers

-3 Bottles a day of whole milk (28 oz a day)
-We starting to transition away from bottles to sippy cups and this week got rid of the PM Bottle and he uses a sippy cup with a straw and has done really well. School thinks he'll do really well transitioning from the bottles
-Three meals a day: (typical menu for school)
--Breakfast: oatmeal, pancake or waffle with applesauce and his sippy cup
--Lunch: Hot dog & cheese and milk in sippy cup
-- PM Snack: snack bar, fruit or yogurt with water in sippy cup
-- Does not like food with texture (fresh fruit, pasta)
-Lately he's tried: ravioli (he ate it but wasn't fond of it)

Likes: Being outside, Taking his shoes off, The Wiggles & Sesame Street, His Grover & Cookie Monster books, Singing ABCs, The word: Shimmy, his new cookie monster stuffed animal, taking medicine
Dislikes: Pasta/textured food

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