Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Alexander has been doing a bit of walking this week!

To my knowledge, it started Monday night at home. We were upstairs playing in his room and he was leaning against his basket of toys. His horsey (the kind with the head & a stick body) was in the middle of the room and he was inching his way down the basket trying to get closer to the horse. I was watching him from the other side of the chair and noticed he let go of the basket and was standing there on his own.

Then he did it - he walked over to his horse and then plopped down next to it. I was so excited that I crawled over and asked him to do it again. This continued for 20 minutes. I would hold his hands to pull him up and then I'd let go and he'd walk towards me. He got so excited that I was excited that he'd clap mid-walk and lose his balance. It was either 50/50 if he would walk towards me or get too excited and plop down. But it was so exciting to watch! And I think the fact that he saw how excited I was, his confidence would build and he'd keep trying.

We showed Daddy the new trick the following morning (Daddy had softball that night) and the look on Daddy's face was priceless as he hadn't seen him take steps yet. He's taken some more steps and they're even practicing with him at school. He's not 100% walking yet because he knows he can get places faster by crawling...but I imagine it won't be too long before he's on both legs!

We posted a video of him taking some steps at home...it looks like he's falling on his face but it's not nearly as bad in person as it looks on the video - I promise! Plus, he got excited when he realized the door was open and he could look out the glass.

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