Sunday, May 11, 2008

Dr Visit...

Friday afternoon around 4p, I got a call from Ms Megan at school. She told me that Alexander had broken out into hives and it was all over his stomach & legs. Six minutes later I was walking thru the door at really does pay to have his school SO close to our work. She was right, his whole belly was covered in weird patches of hives. She said they didn't appear to be itchy or bothering him. But she did say that two other kids in his class also broke out but their doctors said it was not necessary to go see the dr.

I wasn't sure we'd get to see Dr. M since it was 4:20pm and the office closes @ 1:30pm on Fridays. I left a message for the office explaining the situation. I went to the mall (which was right down the street) to get some Benadryl in the hopes that Dr. M or his wife would call and I wouldn't be on the highway heading home. Sure enough, she calls! I explain the situation and she says that schools usually want you to have him seen but there's nothing to be done. I told her that they didn't ask it was more for my piece of mind as well that it wasn't more than just hives and eczema.

Thankfully they were still in the office and told me to come on over (WOO!). We get to Dr. M's office and Alexander is a bit shy with Lee (Mrs. M) but then quickly warms up to her. He's waving, blowing kisses, and even says 'turtle' after she pointed out the turtle on his jacket. We walked into the exam room. Alexander walked all the way just by holding onto one hand. As SOON as we turned the corner and Alexander saw the back of Dr. M, he FREAKED out. He could not stop crying. Okay, screaming. We weren't even in the room yet and Alexander was not happy. So of course having Dr. M exam his stomach, back, ears & throat didn't help.

After the exam and a run down of the situation again, Dr. M is positive it is nothing viral and more of a contact issue, especially since two other babies had the same thing. He said there was not a lot to do but to keep an eye on it. If he seems bothered or itchy, give him benadryl.

He's broken out a few times this weekend, but they don't seem to be bothering him in the least. They start on his stomach, chest, and back and have a tendency to move up around his neck and then disappear. He also seems to break out in the late afternoon after his 2nd nap. We've given him a bath and lathered him up with Aquaphor so hopefully these don't last long. Also, hopefully they let him go to school tomorrow.

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