Sunday, May 18, 2008

First Haircut...

Today, I took Alexander to get his first official haircut. When we got to snipits, he was looking around taking in all the sights as there was a lot to look at.

We didn't have to wait long before Mary Jo came over to get us. Alexander was in a good mood, smiling & waving at people. I held his hand as he walked over to the chair, still smiling.

We sat him in the chair and buckled him in...He was still seeming to enjoy himself. She gave him a computer mouse to play with and he was still in good spirits.

She then took out her spray bottle to wet his hair down. It all went down hill from there. He was miserable and wanted NOTHING to do with this.

At first I thought his crying would stop once she stopped spraying, but I would have been wrong. He just cried harder. And harder.

The poor little guy was miserable and I felt so bad. You would have thought she was cutting his arm off with a dull pair of scissors as he just kept crying harder.

She was sweet at first but then the more he cried, the more she seemed to just want to be finished (which I thought odd since they probably get this often).

She cut his hair with scissors and did a good job for having to work around a moving child who would not sit still. And then it got a lot worse before it got a lot better. She brought out her clippers to trim up the back & his ears. He FREAKED out. He was trying to jump out of the seat...had he not been buckled in he would have JUMPED out.

We tried to get him to calm down and even tried to see himself in the mirror and even that didn't work.

But overall it was the quickest haircut ever with alot of tears. We did get a little bag of his hair and a certificate to celebrate this milestone. It was quite cute - snipits really did a job well done!

And this was the final result: He looks so grown up, just like a little boy

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