Saturday, May 3, 2008

Moving to Transition ...

We got word on Friday that Alexander will be moving up to the Transition room in June. I feel like he just got to the Older Infant room, I also feel as if he could still use some time in the Older Infant room before going in with the bigger kids. Kids in the Transition room are walking 100% on their own. They also take naps on mats. Speaking of, I also learned that kids in the Transition room only take one nap a day. EEEKK! I'm not ready for him to loose his 2nd nap providing he'll still take it. However, there is one girl in there (who's only a few months older than Alexander) who will occasionally take a 2nd nap in the afternoon.

It's good that he's moving that means he's developing well but it seems just when we really start to bond with his teachers and get a good pattern/schedule going, it's time to move. But that is life! His friend Aidan will move over the following month so that will be good for both of them that they will pretty much be in the same class together. Another good thing about moving is that tuition will be a bit cheaper, not much but cheaper is better. I just hope he's a full-fledge walker so he's not stumbling and the only one not walking.

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